Self-Driving Cars: What are the Issues in Getting Them on the Open Road?

Self-Driving Cars: What are the Issues in Getting Them on the Open Road? (white paper) check the attachment for details

Please write a white paper about this topic (Self-Driving Cars: What are the Issues in Getting Them on the Open Road? )


•Problem Statement

–Provides information about the topic or problem introduced in the White Paper

–Includes a discussion of the importance of the topic or solution

•Proposed Solution

•Provide information about costs associated with the solution


–Summarize the White Paper and include the recommended solution to the problem, if applicable.

•Your paper should be 3-4 pages (excluding the front matter and back manner)

•It needs to include at least two figures

–Must refer to the figures in the text

–Must provide link from where you got the figure if not your work

–Figures should not be more than 1/3 page

•Sub headings for each section


Answer preview

Whenever a need arises, human beings find a way to satisfy the need. People have, over the years, toyed with the idea of getting rid of the human element of driving (Bagloee et al., 2016). When the idea came up, people hoped that it would come to fruition, but few believed that a car without a human driver would one day hit the market. Over the last couple of years, the number of sceptics has gone down, mainly due to the vast strides made by technology companies such as Tesla in actualizing the dream of self-driving cars roaming the…

(1400 words)

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