Self Reflection Paper

Self Reflection Paper

1/ Take a moment to think about how you are managing your time this semester. Explain your approach to time management and then give an example of a time during this semester that you used your approach – did it work well for you, or not? Why or why not? *


Describe your busiest day of the week and what happens every hour of that day, from the time you get up to the time you go to bed. Review what you just wrote about your busiest day. What strategies do you have throughout your day that help you to maintain your focus and energy? *



When and where do you study best? What atmosphere do you need in order to concentrate and learn course material? Describe with as much detail as possible your optimal study space. *



What do you think is going to make the biggest difference for you this semester such that you are successful in raising your GPA? *



Think of a motivational message that you can say to yourself when the semester gets tough.To create one, think about things that important people in your life say about you that are positive, and use that in your motivational message (ex: mine would be “I am resilient – I can handle anything!). *

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My approach to time management this semester has been the use of lists to manage my time. In an effort to ensure that I am able to manage my time, I have been using lists to make sure that I am able to write a list of activities that I intend to do as well as the time line…

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