Serial Killer: Aileen Wuornos

Serial Killer: Aileen Wuornos


Using these steps, and the information that you have read in the texts to complete a thorough case study on one of the criminal cases learned about in class (Do not use any of the case study subjects from the previous assignments in this course).

In your case study, use the theories and ideas in victimology to identify, define, and describe the problem. Measure the real dimensions of the problem (e.g., explain the perpetrator’s actions), and specify how the victims were handled, as well as the criminal justice process (how evidence was gathered to test the hypotheses). Include the outcome of the prosecution, the victims, and their families.

Your paper must be formatted in the following manner:

  • The paper must be 750 words in length (roughly three pages). Only the body of the paper counts towards the length. No information that belongs on a title page or reference page will count towards the length requirement.
  • Please follow APA guidelines; provide a title and reference page, use Times New Roman 12 point font, and double-space your lines. You need to have five references, two of which can be your textbooks from this class; the references for these can be found in the course syllabus.

Answer preview

Whenever criminologist engages in the study of criminology and criminal justice, they are in most cases interested in understanding the reasons why individuals get involved in the life of crime. Although most people are accustomed to criminals in the form of habitual burglars, kidnappers, and rapists, there are other groups of criminals known as serial killers. A serial killer is a person who murders at least three people in a short period (Ardila & Ostrosky, 2017). Not anyone can be a serial killer. By this, it means that serial killers have distinctive and unique characteristics that distinguish them from other criminals. Many of the features of serial killers fit into the theoretical model of crime…


(900 words)

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