sexual harassment at work

sexual harassment at work

Week 10 Discussion

How can you identify sexual harassment at work?

Read Case 11.4: Consenting to Sexual Harassment, located on page 420 in your textbook, then respond to the following questions. According to her own testimony, Vinson acquiesced to Taylor’s sexual demands. In this sense, her behavior was “voluntary.”

Does the voluntary nature of her behavior mean she had “consented” to Taylor’s advances? Does it mean they were “welcome?”

Do you agree that Vinson’s acquiescence shows there was no sexual harassment? Defend your position

book: Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases
Answer preview

After having a look at the sexual harassment case between Vinson and Taylor, some several conclusions can be made. I think that this case cannot be classified as a sexual harassment case simply because vision consented to Taylors demands of sleeping with him and she was not forced. Vinson conducted sexual activities at her own will, and by the look of things she was into it and was willing to be intimate hence no one forced her to do so (Shaw, 2014). This was not a case like that of where a person holds a gun at a person’s head and demands for sexual favors or else he pulls the trigger and ends the person’s life…

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