Sexually transmitted infections

For this Assignment, you will choose three STIs (e.g., bacterial vaginosis, HPV, chlamydia, HIV, trichomoniasis). Then fill in the chart for all columns including presenting symptoms, physical findings, laboratory/diagnostic findings, and management or treatment. Do not leave any section blank. References no older than 5 years.

InfectionPatient presenting symptomsPhysical findings on examLaboratory or diagnostic examsManagement


Patient counseling


Referrals (if any)Other



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InfectionPatient presenting symptoms
Physical findings on examLaboratory or diagnostic exams



Patient counseling



Referrals (if any)Other




HIV– this is a virus which is known for attacking the cells responsible for immunity known as CD-4 cells.Most people who have HIV normally have no symptoms until much later when their bodies are weak. These symptoms will include; fever, weakness, muscle aches, losing weight unintentionally, sweats and sore throat among others.A blood test is normally carried out so as to be sure the person has HIV looking at the symptoms can be confusing.Currently, there is no cure for HIV however if the antiretroviral treatment is taken in advance it helps to improve the quality of


People are always counseled on how to live with HIV such as the importance of eating healthy and taking antiretroviral medication. They are also caused to keep away from condomless sex, body fluid exposure and drug injection among others.Once a person has tested positive, it can be hard to deal with the news. Therefore, some referrals are normally important. Such as the substance abuse program.Expectant women are supposed to note that some of the antiretroviral medication can be harmful to the baby.

(520 words)

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