Short Discussion on Cancer

Short Discussion on Cancer

Read the article: “Biopsies Found to Provide Only a Snapshot of Tumor Diversity” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Please number your responses so that it is clear which part of your answer refers to which of the following questions.

  1. In two sentences, summarize what this article says.
  2. Based on what you read in the article, why is cancer more difficult to treat than other diseases and why haven’t they found a cure for cancer yet? Express your answer as briefly and clearly as possible.
  3. A family member has recently been diagnosed with cancer. After taking and analyzing a single biopsy, the doctor finds that the cells are capable of undergoing apoptosis and some of them are expressing very specific proteins on their cell membrane. In two sentences only, what advice would you offer to your family member regarding their care and cancer treatment?

Answer preview

The article by Yong (2012) talks about the care and treatment of cancers including the milestones reached by researchers and the challenges experienced by both doctors and researchers in their attempt to find the most viable treatment for cancer. The article also talks about a research study conducted concerning cancer, the findings of the research and the discoveries made during the research that explain the nature of cancer cells, for example, their unique diversity, which make…


(300 words)

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