Social Entrepreneurship

ittle: MGMT 4235
Choose Topic: Business
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Individual Project 01

There is one (1) research paper due this term for Social Entrepreneurship. The assignment is designed to stretch your knowledge on selected topics. The paper will follow standard APA guidelines as to parenthetical annotation and works cited sections. Other parameters include twelve (12) point Ariel font, one inch margins, ¼ inch indentions, normal character spacing, single line spacing, headings, a cover sheet and works cited page, and no longer than 5 pages of text in length (7 total). No APA abstracts, executive summaries, running head, or letters of transmittal are required.

I am looking for a professional report that (a) demonstrates a command and understanding of the issues involved in the case and their interrelationships, (b) uses sound presentation logic and well thought through justifications, and (c) displays a liberal use of appropriate graphs, charts and tables, is expected. Turn in your Word files (Firstname.Lastname.IP01.Docx) to Canvas LMS for submission to Late submissions will not be accepted.

It is the list below for to do this project
1. Interview a Social Entrepreneur or manager of a non-profit organization. Please answer the following:
a. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Entrepreneur and the non-profit.
b. What problem are they solving?
c. Who is the target market for their organization?
d. How did they research the problem and were there competitors? I.E. Government or other non-profits.
e. How are they acting (solutions) on the problem identified in “b?”
f. Did they create an 501 (C)(3) or other designation? What legal structure did they implement? Sub S Corp, LLC, C Corp, etc.
g. How do they raise funds for operations?
h. What is the hardest part of creating the organization and day to day operations?
i. What advice do they have for other people that want to create a non-profit?

Answer preview

Water is considered a necessity for all human beings. A lot of people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases. Charity: water is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2006 to solve the water crisis in developing nations (We Believe We Can End The Water Crisis In Our Lifetime | Charity: Water, n.d.). Its approach is infrastructure-based in the sense that it seeks to provide water using any infrastructural solution such as drilling wells, piping, and purification. It is involved in two main activities that facilitate this, one involves raising awareness and raising funds for its water projects; and two, monitoring the effectiveness of its water projects (We Believe We Can End The Water Crisis In Our Lifetime | Charity: Water, n.d.).


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