Social Identity

Social Identity

Discussion Forum

Please read the following articles and excerpts.

Textbook Chapter 4

  • Lewis, M., & Neighbors, C. (2005) Self-determination and the use of self-presentation strategies. The Journal of Social Psychology. 145(4), 469-489.
  • Vasalou, A. (2009) Me, myself, and I: The role of interactional context in self-presentation through avatars. Computers in Human Behavior. 25(2)510-510
the length, but at least 750 – 1000 words per question depending how much you can write. Please try to follow the question’s instructions.
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The only way to know about our attributes is through evaluating ourselves in a typical environment without influence from any environmental or social context. In general, I am preservative and discreet preferring to keep to myself. I don’t like communicating with people and developing relationships choosing to rely on myself…
(1656 Words)
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