Social Media Policy in Organization

Social Media Policy in Organization

I need 1-2 pages about Social Media Policy in Organization. Mostly it should about why a company needs SM policy, how to create one, and what info it should include. You can see outline below.

Social Media Policy

• Two types of Social Media Policy

o One for employees’ personal social media channels

o One for corporate social media channels

• Social Media Policy should include

o Rules and regulations

o Responsibilities

o Potential legal and security risks

• Benefits of Social Media Policy

o Defend against legal issues

o Empowers employees to share company messaging

o Creates consistency across different channels

Answer preview

Social media policy indicates how employees and organization should carry out their business online. Social media policy safeguards the organization’s reputation. It also, encourages responsible sharing of information by the employees. For the employees, social media policy remains unexempted. Employees on occasions use social media in their workplace for personal matters. However, the use of social media should not affect the employee’s ability or capability to work. Also, employees use various channels of social media (Dawson, 2018). The channels include both the personal use and official tufts. An individual ought to remain able to differentiate between private and tufts channel by identifying the appropriate information to put on the two channels. The employees should, therefore, acknowledge that clumps are not used to relay personal information but…

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