3 pages essay about strategies commonly used by activists who participated in the social movements of the 1960s. for more details read the instruction.

Below is a list of strategies commonly used by activists who participated in the social movements of the 1960s. Choose at least 1 strategy from the list below and discuss how one movement used the strategy to affect change. For guidance, please be sure to read Chapter 26, 27, and Chapter 28.

Make sure that you discuss the extent to which the strategy was successful. Your essay should include specific examples to support your points and use the names of key figures, organizations, laws, legislative acts, and marches when you refer to them. ((((if you need any of those documents let me know))))

An “A” essay will:

  • Devote adequate attention to each of the two strategies discussed.
  • Stay focused on one specific movement (women’s rights, gay rights, black civil rights, etc.)
  • Include references to key figures, organizations, and laws etc. and refer to them correctly by name.
  • Demonstrate that the student understands the strategy being discussed (and how it was different from similar strategies).
  • Include specific examples of how these strategies were used.
  • Discuss the extent to which these strategies were or were not successful.
  • Show evidence proofreading
  • Have effective organization

Answer preview

Social movements are defined as mass action focusing on political, economic, or social issues affecting civilians. The main aim of social movements is to resist, undo the social change, and improve conditions of the mass. Social movements are structured to empower the masses as well as resist oppression that might arise from the elites. There are various methods, approaches, and strategies that are used in social movements. The strategy or method selected depends on the nature of the problem, the prevailing conditions, the available resources, and the existing support structure. Social movements are also inspired by the type of change required, range, time frame, and scope. Several strategies used in social…


(950 words)

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