Social Science Question

Social Science Question

Your Workplace Write a 2-page report on your daily activities.

All details and information included

You can either write a narrative of the different projects you have been asked to do, or a daily report. Include a reflection on your work unit. How does your unit/units, if you have rotated, fit? into the overall mission of the institution where you work?

Answer preview

The modern workplace exposes an individual to various issues as organizations get more inclined towards peak value provision. In the same vein, each organization provides a unique environment owing to the variety of activities that they deal with. I have had a fantastic opportunity to work with the United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a governmental entity, the ministry seeks to reinforce the nation’s stability through diplomacy and realizing related benefits like security, stability, and development. However, beyond the overall objectives lie demanding tasks that employees must perform diligently to ensure that the organization fulfills its vast responsibilities (Chen et al., 2018). This paper relies on my experience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide an overview of the different activities one would expect to undertake in a similar environment.

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