Social Status

Social Status

Social Status: Write a 500 or more word paper that provides a critical analysis and evaluation of the following questions.

What are some of your ascribed, achieved, and master statuses?

How are these different from your parents or grandparents?

Do family, work, or other activities hold the same personal identification status for you as they did for your parents or grandparents?

Additionally, in your paper discuss any differences that you notice.

Did your parents or grandparents experience different conflict or strain than you?

Discuss any differences that you notice.

What future statuses do you expect for your life?

How will these differ in personal identification and conflict or strain from you current statuses?

APA Format

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According to Newman (2019), social status refers to the socially valued role or class one occupies or is accorded in society. It may be defined by age, gender, family, and occupation. The social status may be ascribed, achieved or master statuses. Social statuses are used in determining people’s identity. Moreover, they influence various interactions with people in society. Social status may also define the respect and opportunities one is exposed to.

Different Forms Of Social Status And Comparison

The ascribed statuses are attained involuntarily at birth or assuming them in later stages of life. These are fixed, and one carries them throughout their lifetimes. Some of the ascribed social statuses I have are my Christian religion, my white race, and male gender. Achieved statuses are acquired voluntarily, and they reflect an individuals’ ability in a particular field, either occupation or sport. They show personal ability and merit and recognition in a specific area. I have assumed social status…

(750 words)

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