Spread of Islam and its Associated Governance Forms

Spread of Islam and its Associated Governance Forms

What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?

Make”sure”your”introduction”clearly”lays”out”what”you”will”be”arguing. Indent”your”paragraphs.

Avoid”the”use”of”personal”pronouns”in”your”essay.Be”sure”to”use”transitional”sentences”to”get”from”one”paragraph”to”the”next. Check”for”runCon”sentences”that”need”to”be”broken”up”into”smaller”units.

Break”up”long”blocks“of”text”into”smaller”paragraphs ;Remember”to”cite”your”sources”as”you”use”them”throughout”your”paper; Place”any”footnotes”you”have”at”the”end”of”the”sentence. Number”your”pages.

Make”a”point”of”proofreading”through”your”paper”when”you”are”done”to”catch”any”errors”you”may”have“accidentally”overlooked. Remove”any”spaces”between”your”paragraphs. 5″pages”means”5″pages

Answer preview

Islam is a universal religion that teaches on the existence of one God referred, to as Allah in Arabic, and that God has one messenger referred to as Mohammed. Its followers are generally referred to as Muslims, and they account nearly to 24% of the population of the world (Sharon, 2017). This makes it the second largest religion, enjoying a massive following of over 1.8 billion people. It enjoys massive dominance in over 50 countries worldwide. Since its origin, it has realized growth through activities such as missionary work, pilgrimage, trade, and military conquest. In most of the cases, it experienced rapid growth in regions that shared a common form of governance, and that’s why congest worked best. From its birth from Mohammed, religion has undergone massive development and expansion.  Various forms of governance and authority have been established at different times in history, thus steering up the expansion. Power, religion, and wealth remained among the top issues guiding expansion. Suffice it to say; Islamic growth has undergone massive and tremendous forms of culture, governance, military work, and dynastic forms that have acted as a backbone to its…

(1600 words)

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