Standards and Objectives

Standards and Objectives

  1. Describe the purpose of a learning standard (referred to as a goal in Chapter 1) and the critical components of a learning objective.
    • How would you differentiate between the two if attempting to explain it to somebody else?
    • What is the relationship between formative assessments during instruction and the standards and objectives of that lesson?
  2. Take the challenge Karen Lea presents in her blog article Meaningful Connections: Objectives and Standards. Select a grade level standard and design two learning objectives AND a way to assess students FOR learning for each objective.  Be sure to use the criteria for writing high-quality objectives as discussed in your assigned reading and videos.



Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
Lea, K. (2013). Meaningful connections: Objectives and standardsEdutopia. Retrieved from

Answer Preview

A learning standard is a benchmark that is set for people to be able to measure their understanding that they get from learning something. It is very important to make sure that one is able to understand what they learn to a level that is set. The critical components of a learning objective are the different knowledge that has to be gained, comprehending the knowledge and then application of the knowledge to the other cases. This is important as it make sure that the…

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