State laws and federal laws

One important role of an HR professional is to distinguish state laws from federal laws.

What advice concerning these laws would you provide if you were an HR professional advising top executives who had employees in different states and possibly other countries?


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The Act provides that an employer should endeavor to offer equal opportunities for such people right from the stage of recruitment to the state of termination of their services. Every organization’s human resource department is to abide by the dictates of this Act, and the same should be in their policies (Burkhauser, Schmeiser, & Weathers, 2012). The states of Michigan later passed the Handicapper’s Civil Rights Act (HCRA). The Act stipulated that discrimination by employers based on disability is illegal in Michigan. The act has been quite effective in championing for the rights of people with disability by providing for reasonable accommodation for individuals with disability at their work place (Burkhauser et al., 2012). Therefore, an employer in Michigan is required to abide by the provisions of all these laws.

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State laws and federal laws
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