

about stereotype

Guide Questions for Written Responses

 Definition(s) of Topic
 How does the topic impact our lives?
 Does this topic divide us? How?
 Does this topic unite us? How?
 Have you gained any new understandings? If so, please explain.
 Have your new understandings changed or shaped your personal views? Explain. How could you help others understand or learn about this topic?

Summary Development

 Use the questions about to develop your summary/reflection on each topic/unit. You may include any class discussion that you may recall.
 Be sure to use correct grammar and do ORIGINAL work.
 Use proper citations when necessary.

 All summaries must be typed, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman style Summaries are not to exceed two pages

Answer preview
In every society, there is this aspect of generalizing almost everything based on some specific traits or characters of a small group or an individual. It is the nature of human beings to take infers an idea from an individual or a small group to cover the more significant group. I ideally this is what we call stereotyping. A stereotype is a thought and an idea that people perceive about a group of people and the actions of that particular group. A stereotype can also be taken to mean an assumption or an accusation about a specific group of people (Brown & Stone, 2016). Take, for instance; there are this perception or assumption that…
(700 words)
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