Strategic Plan Evaluation

Strategic Plan Evaluation

Log on to the City of Scottsdale website, and click the About PD tab.

Review the Current PD Strategic Plan.

Click on Crime Statistics under Police Information on the home page, and review the 2017 UCR Highlights and the 2017 Crime Clock.

Write a 700-word evaluation that assesses the strategic plan from the Scottsdale Police Department.

Include the following in your evaluation:

Format your evaluation according to APA guidelines.

At least 2 references one being the class book. Introduction and conclusion.

The current books for this class are,Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations chapters 5.

Here is the link


Password- Bookshelf!

Textbooks references for this course:

Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley & Sons.

More, H., Vito, G., & Walsh, W. (2012). Organizational behavior and management in law enforcement (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

chapter 5 was for this weeks reading.

Answer preview

More, Vito and Walsh (2012), describe an organization as an arrangement of people and resources to achieve a particular purpose. Police departments are public organizations that involve the arrangement of people and resources to provide safety to the organizations they serve. Changes in society require that organizations change tactics to address the challenges. To address these challenges, companies have to identify them. Bryson (2018), says that organizations have to identify the internal and external context in which their organizations are situated to develop strategies that create values for the organization. This paper is an analysis of strategic evaluation measures that are being undertaken by the Scottsdale police department.

SWOT analysis of the Scottsdale police department

According to Bryson (2018), organizations should know the internal and external factors that affect their company to develop strategies that can…


(750 words)

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