how the strike action reflects the unions theory of power / MLA)


Workers represented by AFSCME local 3299 and UPTE-CWA local 9191 are striking on all UC campuses October 23-25. On October 24, in lieu of lecture, you will put your historical learning into present-day context by observing the picket line and or/demonstrations on campus.

Following your time at the picket line, write a reflective analysis of how the strike action reflects the union’s theory of power and changeUse the following questions to help you speak specifically about the strike, and to connect it to the course material. Reflections should be 2 pages, double spaced.

· What are the strike participants doing? How are they moving and/or interacting with space? How are they interacting with each other? What sounds are present? Is there music? Shouting? Speeches? Conversations? What are the “keywords” used by participants?

· What forms of unity/disunity among the participants do you see? What are the different manifestations of solidarity? Who is leading and following?

· How is the strike shaping the public space? What sort of atmosphere is it creating, and how are non-strikers participating/interacting with the strike?

* the first attachment is instruction of writing

* the second attachment McAlevey is primary source that should be use for writing

* the other attachment are secondary sources which also should be minor mention in the writing

Answer preview

The power of the union is demonstrated by successful organizing and mobilization of its members. The mobilization can only be successful if some essential analyses are carried out prior to any campaign, strike or any engagement including analysis of the primary participants, the issues that need to be addressed and the target institution responsible for addressing the issues of concern (Lerner, 1934). In the case of AFSCME local 3299 and UPTE-CWA local 9191 workers strike, in my opinion, the strike was well crafted, and members were well aware of the issues at hand that required attention.  This was demonstrated by a large number of participants and the unity during the strike in the streets…

(750 words)

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