Summary and Response of Shannon’s Narrative

Summary and Response of Shannon’s Narrative

need help for summery and response


REVIEW “Proficiency” by Shannon Nichols,

Write Journal Entry #2: summary and response to “Proficiency”.

pleas find attached pitchers of the article.

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Summary of the Narrative

In the literacy narrative by Shannon titled, proficiency, she illustrates how failing the writing proficiency test affected her writing morale. For the article, Shannon started failing the test in the ninth grade yet she had thoroughly prepared for it (Shannon, n.d.). Failing the test three times even after making sure that she did everything right made her start hating reading, writing and she started taking her English lessons less seriously. From the narrative, Shannon’s English teacher could not tell her where she was going wrong in her writing yet she believed that writing was one of her strongest skills. Such an element devastated Shannon…

(330 words)
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