Summary of a News Article

2 paragraph summarize news article

Identify and summarize a news article about an environmental issue in your hometown (Saudi Arabia) in 2-3 paragraphs. Discuss your personal and community reaction to this issue. Highlight how this environmental issue is being handled. Be prepared to share your story with the class

12 times new roman single-spaced


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The article indicates that a report released by the UN organization rank Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, as one of the most polluted cities in the world. According to the report, Riyadh is included in the list due to the sandstorms which have been occurring as well as due to the pollutants that emerge from heavy traffic and industrial waste (Taha, 2014). The article adds that a committee will be formed to investigate the sources of pollution in the southern part of the city where citizens have been complaining about the pollution in the area’s districts…



(400 words)

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