Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Please answer each question in 150 words.

Problem Solving

1. What was one problem you have seen in a supply chain (as a customer or as an employee)? What is the root cause of this problem? What steps can be taken to ensure that the problem does not reoccur?

Performance of the Supply Chain

2. How might an organization measure the performance of a supply chain? Why is continuous improvement necessary?

Answer Preview
One of the main problems that I have seen in a supply chain is the issue of data movement. The keeping of records was a major issue as the supply chain did not have real time data of the goods that were in and out of the companies supply chain. The main cause of this problem has been the company does no use the most resent technology in the recording of data (Sanders, 2014). To start with, the records are handwritten in the record books and this is…
(446 Words)
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