Survey of Human Services: Intellectual Disability

Survey of Human Services: Intellectual Disability


AHS 6600 week 7 assignment Final paper

NOTE: you’re writing a new paper but borrowing from what was covered in part 1,2, and 3. But not literary combining them. However, you’re to use the Sources that were in the annotated bibliography in part 3. You’re going to use the same intellectual disability population.

Introduction to Final Research Paper

The final assignment for this course will be a 10-12 page research paper. The paper will explore the need and availability of services to a population of your choice. To aid in the preparation of this paper you will complete three (3) pre-work assignments.

Final Research Paper: Responding to a need

In Week 7 your final research paper will be due.

Chapter 8 of your text discusses the importance of developing services to respond to a human need. For your final paper, you will research and respond to the needs of a population.

In this paper you will:

  • Select a population ( Ex.Homeless, HIV/AIDS).
  • Identify the needs of the population.
  • Determine what services will meet the needs of the population.
  • Identify agencies in your community that can provide services to meet the needs of the population.
  • Identify and discuss ways that individuals from your chosen population can advocate for themselves and how they can be empowered to do so.


  • 10-12 pages (not including cover page and references)
  • APA format including an abstract
  • 6-10 sources (At least 4 sources need to be from scholarly peer-reviewed articles)
Answer preview

Human communities are involved with individuals making up the society in need of a vast demand for services, resources, and needs. The desires to satisfy all the different groups have prompted special groups to organize themselves in groupings that can help them lobby for their needs. Individuals living with disabilities are a special focus group whose needs surpass those of individuals living a normal life. Organizing life for such people requires a dedicated approach that ensures that no one will be left behind. According to Neukrug (2016), human services are essential in facilitating growth for these individuals. According to the American Medical Association, all individuals with special needs require human services in the name of self-care, social relations, education, empathy, tolerance, and attention. Offering the individuals with these services is prerequisite in empowering them and helping them accept the situations they are in.

In most cases, the burden to take care of the intellectually challenged individuals is often left to their immediate families. To the families, this means that they must have enough financial resources, as well as the space to accommodate them. In most cases, financial resources are required for accessing medical care, therapy, guidance and counseling, rehabilitation, advocacy, mentorship, special education training, and support, as well as physical support (The Arc, 2019)…

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