Article Summaries

Economic growth and development


Two Article Summaries Paper one page each

To allow students to explore topics of interest on their own, they will be required to find two (2) articles based on topics from class to summarize. At least one (1) of those must come from the Wall Street Journal but cannot be one of the same ones read for class. The other one can come from other popular press news sources (Washington Post, New York Times, The Economist, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, and so forth), or a movie or TV show (but a link to the relevant publically-available clip on YouTube must be provided). A brief (one-page) memo (10-12 point font, double-spaced, one-inch margins) for EACH article that includes the following: a hyperlink to the article (or clip), a one paragraph summary of the content of the article and how it relates to a topic or topics in class, one discussion question (with the answer), one quiz question

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