Parents and students
Positive learning environment
One thing you can do to set a positive learning environment from the outset is to communicate clearly and warmly with students and their parents. You will learn more in coming courses about building rapport with students’ families, but in this course, you have already formulated answers to many of the FAQs that parents and students will have on the first day of school.
Use the assignments you have already completed in this course to assemble a welcome letter that you can share with students and their parents or guardians on the first day of school.
Include in the letter:
A short introduction about yourself and a section that describes your overall goals for yourself and your students during the coming school year. What kind of classroom do you hope to create? When you envision this ideal classroom, what happens there?
Your classroom rules and consequences
Your classroom procedures for homework, late assignments, and retrieving work missed due to absence. If you need to make any changes to these procedures based on what you learned about FERPA in module 5, do so now.
How parents may contact you