philosophers and researchers

The human nature


This is humanities class where we all discuss about the quotes/texts from a book or a reading and without using any research or outside source!!! Evidence for your essay must be based only on the assigned texts. Do not do any outside reading or research in preparing the essay. It should be based on your thought and your thought only.

You can use first person singular (I, me) in writing humanities essay, place yourself in the background of your writing, but have to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses of the first person singular (see Humanities handbook)

Your examination should focus either on a critical difference(or differences)between the views presented or on a key similarity (or similarities) between them, but not both. Although you may at the outset briefly note that there are various similarities between the two works (in an essay that focuses on differences) or certain differences between them (in an essay that focuses on similarities), do not attempt to comprehensively address both differences and similarities, given that this is a short essay. Remember that you will need to advance a unified thesis and provide a claim clarification, and be careful to avoid the problems of offering a splitthesis or a list thesis. See the Humanities Writing Handbookfor guidance on all these points.

Prompt: Another key theme that runs throughout our course is the concept of “human nature.” Consider the views of Thomas Hobbes and Martin Luther with regard to this problem. Write a thesis-based essay

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