Teaching Ethics with Three Philosophical Novels

Teaching Ethics with Three Philosophical Novels.

2-The required is to do a critical summary fulfilling the professor instructions Bellow:

The course is philosophy

Critical Plot Summaries

The required is to do a critical summary fulfilling the professor instructions Bellow:

2—Naked Reverse: pp. 74-140/ chapts. 6-8/ critical summaries (The critical summary for these chapters)

The textbook link https://read.amazon.com/

It’s Kindle on amazon for free if you are student

I attached a copy of the assigned part of the book (Chapters 6-8)

Professor instructions:

To do a critical plot summary first determine from the syllabus the number of chapters you have assigned for each class. Then summarize what has happened in the plot for each chapter separately—for example for chapter one say what happened in chapter one.If you have an assignment of five chapters (for example):

Chapter One

Give a summary of the plot (around 100-150 words)

Chapter Two

Give a summary of the plot (around 100-150 words)

Chapter Three

Give a summary of the plot (around 100-150 words)

Chapter Four

Give a summary of the plot (around 100-150 words)

Chapter Five

Give a summary of the plot (around 100-150 words)

Anomaly: pick out something unconventional and surprising that happened during all the chapters read—One Anomaly.

Link anomaly to a philosophical principle from the first part of the course. 150WORDS

Answer preview

In this chapter, various characters are involved in the journey to discover their personalities. Anthea and Andrew head to shop to purchase sufficient food staffs and clothing for Andrew. After buying, they all go to the Chippewa falls to camp, but Andrew is not intrigued by this idea. In chapter six of Naked Reverse, there are flashbacks, such as the experience that Andrew and Barbara share while at the campus to fascinate them in their happiest moments (Boylan, 2019). During these flashbacks, Andrew realizes that he has an attraction towards Barbara. They both reminisce about romantic moments and how strong their bond has always been although they are not engaged. Barbara also fantasizes about the moments they shared in the dormitory while at University, which makes her miss sleeping at the hostel. Andrew develops optimism towards Barbara because of his loneliness, and she helped in his self-discovery. Therefore, it is evident that Barbara should be credited for the cause of happiness in Andrew’s life since she was highly in control of him…

Total: 834 words

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