Technology Solution

Week 1 – Discussion 1: Understanding the Scope of Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable populations include some populations that require particular attention in the midst of a society in different ways. Some of the vulnerable populations include people with HIV and victims of AIDS, disabled people, and refugees. Statistically, these groups have a few things in common. The data surrounding them shows that they all need attention especially more than the normal populations to exist in a standard set up.


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Businesses of all sizes rely on various types of systems to be able to manage their daily activities such as procurement, accounting, the management of its projects, manufacturing processes and accounting.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an example of a system that can be used by a system to manage all its activities as they play an essential role in the success of the business.  The ERP system will also provide the link that is needed for the various computer systems to work together seamlessly.  ERP systems are based on a database and are typically designed to be used by large businesses although smaller businesses can acquire an ERP system that is custom made for their specific activities…


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