The Art and History of Arabic Calligraphy

The Art and History of Arabic Calligraphy

Art and history paper about Arabic calligraphy.

write 5 to 8 pages (or more) about Arabic calligraphy.


  • Format: MLA
  • The paper is both about art and history so it needs to include both aspects. Start with the history (how/where/when/by whom it began). Describe possible religious/political reasons behind it. Compare it with the type of art came before it and current version of Arabic calligraphy. Then talk about the artistic features; pick some important pieces and talk about them and the artist(s) who made them.
  • make sure the introduction is interesting (imagine yourself introducing a movie)
  • the last sentence of the introduction should clearly state your thesis, what the paper is about and how are you going to handle the topic.
  • use a minimum of 5 sources: 3 books and 2 articles (or more)
  • You may include some pictures

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The Art and History of Arabic Calligraphy


In the Arab society, writing was a challenge; therefore, artists like the poets preferred producing their creative works verbally such as the Jalihiyya poetry. With time, the Holy Quran revived the Arabic script into writing which then elevated to the art form of calligraphy Khan, et al., (77). Some of the highly endowed calligraphers were referred to as prophets since they received their contexts in the form of visions. They created decorative abstracts designs which they incorporated in their scripts and this highly influenced religious art. Throughout history, the Arabic calligraphy has been a primary art form in the…


(1900 words)

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