the Birth of American Imperialism

“Was American expansion abroad justified?”

The Birth of American Imperialism

You will utilize Chapter 2 “Bound for GooGoo Land” of the Stephen Kinzer book OverthrowAmerica’sCentury of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq as your main focus and use the materials from class as contextual informationYou will need to create a solid paper with a clearly defined thesis and argument. Pay attention to organization so that the paper logically flows and the introduction, body and conclusion all make sense together. This is in APA Format This is a 5 page paper, those with missing pages will be marked accordingly. You have several weeks to finish this paper and it will be submitted online to the Canvas upload dropbox in this assignment no later than Thursday 12pm July 12th.This can be submitted earlier. Keep in mind plagiarism rules and that we are using a form of Turn it In for verification.

I would like you to write this essay in response to the following prompt:

“Was American expansion abroad justified?” Did the expansion of America’s global power into new territories and access to new markets (Asia) justify the means by which lands came under control of the United States? What were the motives and outcomes of imperialism and what were the positive or negative results of United States expansion abroad? Consider the impact of New Imperialism in Africa and the economic situation in the United States in the 1890s. Use the Kinzerchapter to discuss the some of the details of this expansion, government mechanism to achieve it and the impact of the people in Cuba and the Philippines.

BOOKGive Me Liberty! An American History

Answer preview

The Birth of American Imperialism

Without any doubts, the United States is the world’s most powerful country. It has a globe-spanning network of alliances as well as military bases. The way the nation emerged as a superpower is practically unrecognizable. Could be this is what the forefathers of the country wanted it to be maybe. To the view of some, many Americans had dreamt of the current U.S. Over a span of years the state has changed from a detached colony to the most powerful country in the world.  The imperialistic nature of America was conceived after the U.S attained independence from their colonial masters in 1775…


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