Post your solution here (Please do NOT check the solution first). Tell us how you tried to solve the problem, and what method might have been more successful. Be sure to refer back to the information in the textbook.
Post your solution here (Again, do not check the solution. Use your own good thinking).
*Use depth of explanation. Please write clearly and logically. Be sure to cite your sources. Cite/write/type them in APA style at the end of your work.
Requirements: 1
Answer preview
contrary claims are defeated because they would result in an absurdity where a member would give more than one gift to a family member. Therefore, an assessment of the facts leads to the inevitable conclusion that Deirdre (the older son) gave the pocket knife to Alice (his mom). The rationale is that the gift of each family member can be traced, but there is a gap in the facts that fail to reveal what Alice received from Dierdre. Therefore, the pocketknife is the last piece of the puzzle.