The Controversy about Homosexuality

Thesis Statement: Legalizing gay and lesbianism threatens the existence of a family, the foundation of our society. Homosexuality also violates human ethics.


Deviant Paper

Topic may be on anything DEVIANT, any social deviance make an argument and prove it with articles use at least 4 sources, include theory(s). Whether it is a deviant act now and it wasn’t before or something that was before and now isn’t. Use at least 4sources it would help you so that you don’t repeat the same thing over and over, 2 page on each source and combine them don’tjust throw it, incorporate the sources. Make an argument.

Ex: Ponzi Scheme, Homosexuality how people are reacting, Latin x, Gender, marijuana use, the matzo movement, tattoos.

Will be graded on substantive content, grammar and writing skill. If you need help, please see me with drafts. All papers should be 8 pages, at a minimum (not including cover and reference pages), typed, use a 12 pt. font (Arial/Times New Roman), be doubled spaced, and follow APA guidelines (see Written Work, above). Papers should be stapled before being turned in. Students are encouraged to use mixed sources (books, journals, and reliable internet sources) to answer their topic related question or statement. All work must be cited using the APA style and Final Paper is to adhere to APA format.

Answer preview

In almost all societies, there are behaviors which do not conform to by the accepted social norms. These forms of actions are considered as deviance. Getting to a clear definition of what deviance entails is the best way to begin a comprehensive analysis if the sociological field of deviance and the various occurrences it considers (Newman, & Wolfgang, 2017). There are a variety of behaviors presented out by certain people across the globe which to them cut across the definition of deviance…

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