The Effect of Globalization on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Effect of Globalization on Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Choose an issue within the topic of globalization that interests you and fits within your PhDIT concentration or research area of interest. Write a short paper that provides the following:

1.A brief overview of the topic

2.Current Trends

3.Recommendations for Future Research

-Use the APA paper template

-Name your file “ITS832 Writing Assignment 1 – “ Walker_Donald (only use your name, not mine)

-When discussing current trends, use recent articles

-No direct quotes unless defining a term

-2 pages min, 3 pages max

Answer preview

Globalization is a collective term that refers to the process by which organizations, including governments, initiate and integrate interaction on a global level. Globalization raises infinite topics around it due to its influence on global activities and operations. This paper addresses the issue of technology and specifically targets the encroachment of artificial Intelligence in the world. The prevalence of artificial Intelligence has shot up due to the easier access to tech-based innovations as a result of globalization (Harhoff, Heumann, Jentzsch, & Lorenz, 2018). Due to globalization and integration of platforms all over the world, people can access platforms that enable them to interact and come up with…

(750 words)

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