The First World War in the Middle East

The First World War in the Middle East

History research paper


I would need help writing history research paper about the War in the Middle East specially in Iraq during the first world war.

  1. The paper should be 10 pages (excluding the bibliography), 12-point font, double-spaced, left justified,. You should use Chicago style for the work.Remember to cite the sources.
  1. minimum of 8 sources must be used for reference.
    1. Six from journal articles.
    2. Two from books.
    3. Please find attached pages from the course book. The book is “The First World War” by William Kelleher.
Answer preview


The First World War is among the global events that have been very influential to the way the 20th century was shaped and the way different countries around the globe were created. The war took place between July of 1914 and November of 1918. The war had its origins in Europe, but over time expanded to all around the globe and involving armies from all around the world as a whole. The war also involved more than 70 million military personnel all around the world and is still considered to have been one with the very high mobilization of people around the world.

Parties Involved

In the beginning, the main parties that were involved were the triple entente and the triple alliance. The triple entente involved Russia, France, and Britain. On the other hand, the triple membership includes an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Austria…

(3000 words)
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