The Forbin Project

The Forbin Project

Considering the story told by the film “Colossus: The Forbin Project”.

Text Book: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3/e, 2009, Pearson Education.

Considering the story told by the film “Colossus: The Forbin Project”,

  1. describe your views on the limitations and obstacles to creation and operation of artificial intelligences.
  2. which engineering innovations (given that this was a 1970 film) imagined in the film do we use today in the manner depicted in the film?
  3. which engineering innovations imagined in the film do we use in a manner different than depicted in the film?
  4. describe engineering actions that could have been taken in the story “Colossus: The Forbin Project” to prevent Colossus from amassing power.
  5. which Intelligent Agent model from Chapter 2 of your book most closely models Colossus? Fully describe your response by mapping the model from Chapter 2 you choose to the architecture of Colossus as it is evident in the film.

Your description should be about five pages in length (standard 12pt font and page margins) and must be supported by the film, discussion threads, and the Turing Test.

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Artificial intelligence is the creation and development of machines that can think. They are created to make the lives of human beings easier. There are however various limitations on their development and operation by human beings. The first limitation is the capital required in investing in artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence involves very complicated…
(1534 Words)
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