The Hogon Spiritual Leader

The Hogon Spiritual Leader

Religion unit 3 journal

Reflect on how your life would be if you were selected as the Hogan within the Dogon culture. Would you be able to handle the pressure of the people expecting all those things from you?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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The Hogon Spiritual Leader

When I reflect on the life of a Hogon, the spiritual leader of the Dogon culture in Mali, I do not think I can handle the pressure that the people expect from him. First, before a Hogon is initiated to his position, he has to stay for months without bathing. Well, I believe that hygiene is an essential element in an individual since it also makes one approachable. This means that I would be forced to have a lousy stench for months to the point of not knowing…

(200 words)

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