The Human Mind

The Human Mind

  1. Read the attached document
  2. Watch the video
  3. Then answer the following questions

ASSIGNMENT: Reaction to Nancy Kanwisher – A Neural Portrait of the Human Mind talk

Your response MUST answer the following questions.

  1. How does the talk relate to the materials we discuss in class? (15 points)
  2. List two points that the presenter raised in his/her talk that I do not discuss in my PowerPoint slide (20 points)
  3. What question would you ask the presenter? (15 points)
  4. If you were to briefly summarize the talk to a friend, what would you say? That is what are the main points of the talk? (15 points)
  5. Nancy Kanwisher cited results from a study on a patient (a man) who has epilepsy as showing very strong evidence supporting the notion that the fusiform face area is indeed responsible for face recognition. Describe the evidence that she presents to support her assertion. (20 points)

Quality of your writing (flow, syntax, grammar, word choice, typos) (15 points).

Answer Preview

The material that the researcher talks about relates to what I was able to learn in class in several ways. First, the information is concentrated on making sure that the brain is identified. The different functions that are carried…

(531 Words)

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