The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates

Write a book review similar to what one would see in business journals

Read the book  The invisible Hook ” of Peter Leeson that I attached the ebook file here.

Write a book review similar to what one would see in business journals

2300 words

Ps: It is very important for my grade in class, so please help me work on it carefully.

Answer preview

Review of “The Hidden Economics of Pirates”

                The Invisible Hook undertook men of legendary captain pirates such as Blackbeard, Calico Jack Rackham, and Black Bart Roberts. The book demonstrates how pirates’ searched for plunder that led them to pioneer one of the incredible practices and forward-thinking. Pirates comprehend the benefits of constitutional democracy; a sculpt they implemented before the United States did. Pirates, on the other hand, initiated early structures of employees’ compensation that are regulated both smokings with drinking, and in some cases practiced ethnic egalitarianism and tolerance…

(2300 words)

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