Theories and Sociology

Theories and Sociology

Answer the following question in 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-inch font, Times New Roman, ASA format required. Address each part of the question and cite a broad range of specific material/resources. Scholarly sociological peer-reviewed articles, books, and other materials must be used. Your use of evidence and argument should demonstrate your understanding of Bioethics and Sociology. Number your pages and also reference what pages in the articles or info is being used.


What are at least three of the most important contributions of theories from sociology and other social sciences (e.g., history, economics, psychology, anthropology, and political science), and social science methods and empirical research, to the study of bioethics? How have these theoretical and empirical contributions supported or differed from other approaches? Explain the contributions that you see and give examples.

1 theory per page.


Answer preview

Functionalism theory

The functionalism theory was pioneered by Emile Durkheim, Herbert Spencer, Talcott Parsons, and Robert Merton.  The theory asserts that society works as an interconnected system whose parts work collaboratively in a harmonious way to maintain a state of balance or equilibrium in society.  For instance, every social institution contributes significantly to the wellbeing of the entire society.  The family provides a context of giving rise, nurturing and developing children (Mooney, Knox, & Schacht, 2007:1). Education institutions offer knowledge, skills and relevant competencies required by the members of the community to function properly in the social context. The hospital provides…


(950 words)

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