Theories of Communication

Theories of Communication Research Paper (5-8 pages)

This Research Paper Must be taken seriously

Must use proper Grammar and present a College Level Paper


I also attached the Textbook

NEWS STORIES/CURRENT EVENTS TO CHOOSE FROM: (Only choose 1 from the three)

1. A.I. Experts Question Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Technology – The New York Times

2. Facebooks Ban on white Extremism Comes Amid International Pressure

3. Joe Biden jokes about hugging in a speech, then offers a mixed apology.

– once you pick an article, you need to pick and choose a specific communication theory and apply it to the news story/article.

– Remember that you will need to accurately summarize the articles in terms of theory and results!

– You are strongly encouraged to find additional sources that could help provide depth and richness to the points you make in your paper. Such additional sources might be other articles or book chapters that can give you helpful information about the theory.

Introducing Communication Theory

Answer preview
Conflict is inevitable due to the nature of human beings. In cases of conflict, conflict resolution is crucial since it helps in protecting previous relationships. Conflict resolution also enhances good collaboration between involved parties, and also assists in achieving common goals. Good communication skills and transparency are among ways to avoid conflicts and also recognizing other party’s values and opinions in the conflict resolution process. In the story of Facebook banning white extremism contents due to international pressure, the primary topic that arises is conflict resolution since the global view is that white extremists use Facebook to plan heinous acts. The white extremists reject the notion that they are the only racists and believe all races are racists. The CEO recommends that governments to come up with a standard speech globally that will be used in the platform to resolve the conflict between banning white content from Facebook and allowing black’s content. The resolution is based on a majority of nations opinions that white extremist misuses the platform….
(1700 words)
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