Length: 4-5 pages double spaced, times new roman font 12
Make sure to cite your sources and include a bibliography- format is up to you for citations
Yes, you will need outside sources including scholarly journals, but can also use the additional readings on to support your program..
Please record what you drink and eat for 3 days, and use an app or program like fit day to determine the percentage of calories from fats, proteins, carbohydrates and alcohol. Write factors influenced your decisions (these can be positive like meal prepping to get in 5 servings of fruit and vegetables or they can be negative like stress from final exams leading to junk food).
The project should be 4-5 pages, and as always please cite your sources, and include academic sources to back up your claims on how specific exercises benefit your client.
(whatever format you prefer for citations is fine).
Answer preview
The Budget is one of the determining factors that influence the type of meal to take. The budgetary for food changes the kind of meals taken. For example, a smaller budget includes the cheaper variety of meals while a significant amount of money attracts large budget for food
The available resources are one of the determining factors that influence the type of flour to take. Resources include time and money, and these are paramount elements that significantly influence food planning and preparation. Poor people have little to provide on the table and sometimes lack of time also affects food preparation and plan that will see one prepare very little food since has less time (Sevick, Mary Ann, et al., 270).
Allergy Concerns and Lifestyle is one of the determining factors that influence the type of meal to take. On the other hand, other factors in consideration when planning meals consist of lifestyle plus allergy considerations. For example, when one prepares for vegetarians, then such diets vary in the type of foods to exclude. On the other hand, there are negative factors such as one having a lot of stress from final exams.