Write about your company

Use the outline below as a guide. You are to include three independent sources (not including the textbook or corporation web site) in this section. The company is “Time Warner”

  1. Introduce your company. What does it do? How did it get started? How does it add value? Who are the customers it competes for? What risks confront the company? What type of business is it—goods-producing or service? What industry does it operate in? What is it known for? Write an opening paragraph that engages your reader from the outset!
  2. State its mission, vision, and values. Define these terms using the definition from Bovee and Thill (textbook).

The mission: Most companies state their mission on their website. Use your company’s own words in your paper.

The vision: You may have difficulty finding a statement of your company’s vision; if you can’t find it, you should state the vision in your own words based on what you have read about the company’s philosophy and values.

Values: You should find your company’s values on its website.

  1. Analyze your company’s mission statement. Does it match the book’s definition of a good mission statement? Why or why not? Is it just “vague happy talk” or does it really say whythe company exists?

Answer preview

Time Warner began in 1990 upon the merger of two companies Time Inc. and Warner Communications. Warner Media is a world-renowned media, entertainment, and advertising franchise. The company is known for creating and marketing famous shows and content from a variety of sources. Its shows light up global theaters and screens. The company operates through several franchises like Home Box Office, Turner, Warner Bros., and Otter Media. The company adds value to the film industry and customers by partnering with any top companies to bring access to content. The company also adds value by bridging the gaps that hinder people from accessing premium Tv and film content. The company offers a large variety of content compared to its competitors and is highly innovative. The…


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