Trading and agricultural practices.

Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.

3. Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.


You’ve read in chapter 2 about the various Western European powers – the Spanish, French, Dutch, and English – attempting to establish colonial empires in the Americas. Now, imagine you are a Native American Indian. From your perspective, which of these European powers would be the best to encounter? Which would be the worst?

Now, write for 15 minutes, or about 250 words, in which you write from the perspective of a Native American Indian, of your encounters with European colonists? In which area of North America do you live? Which group of Europeans are attempting to colonize in your area? What are your thoughts about how these newly established relationships are unfolding with this particular group of Europeans who are colonizing your area?

Answer preview

Although the new relationship seems to be promoting growth, the adverse consequences of the European diseases and failed boundary agreements are a misfortune. In this sense, I believe the new diseases deprive the natives’ energy to practice agriculture (Brooks, 2011). Two, the conflict over land boundaries and natural resources creates political tension, which is a concern since this might make the Native Indian Americans lose their land. Overall, there is a lot that we can learn from the English Europeans; however, relying on their news ways of life brings significant changes in the sociocultural practices of the natives.

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