Transition Unit for Students with Disabilities

Transition Unit for Students with Disabilities

Create a transition unit for your classroom. Your transition unit must include at least three lesson plans designed to meet the general transition needs of exceptional learners in your classroom. Each lesson plan must address at least one of the following general transition domains:

and list all materials, supplies, resources, technology supports, community-based experiences, and standards addressed in each lesson plan.

Include community liaisons from collaborating agencies that you may bring into your classroom to enhance each lesson plan.

Cite any sources according to APA guidelines. to include a reference page


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The overall learning objective for the unit is to create an effective transition to life after school. According to Ragan (2018, December 27), a good curriculum for students with IEPs must include a course to help learners acquire skills needed for survival in multiple eligibility driven systems. The unit is part of a specialized program for IEPs learners to assess options and develop effective strategies for transitioning to adult life after school (Cameto, Levine, & Wagner, 2004).  The lesson plan includes specific learning outcomes addressing at least one of the general domains in transition. These domains include training (postsecondary education), employment, and others, such as independent living, functional independence, recreation, and advocacy.


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