Treatment for Adolescent Human Sex Trafficking Victims

Treatment for Adolescent Human Sex Trafficking Victims


Treatments For Adolescent Human Sex Trafficking Victims

Write 3-4 pages on the treatments adolescents should or could receive as a sex trafficking victim. The paper should focus on the social work and clinical aspect of treatment. This paper must be written in APA with scholarly references only.

Please include information and references from the following journals.

Greenbaum, J., & Bodrick, N. (2017). Global Human Trafficking and Child Victimization. Pediatrics140(6), e20173138. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-3138

Guidelines for an Effective Coordinated Community Response to Sex Trafficking of Youth

Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force

Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force – Guiding Principles

GORDON, M., SALAMI, T., COVERDALE, J., & NGUYEN, P. (2018). Psychiatry’s Role in the Management of Human Trafficking Victims. Journal Of Psychiatric Practice24(2), 79-86. doi: 10.1097/pra.0000000000000287

SALAMI, T., GORDON, M., COVERDALE, J., & NGUYEN, P. (2018). What Therapies are Favored in the Treatment of the Psychological Sequelae of Trauma in Human Trafficking Victims?. Journal Of Psychiatric Practice24(2), 87-96. doi: 10.1097/pra.0000000000000288

How Neuroscience Can Help Us Treat Trafficked Youth


Answer preview

Sex trafficking can be defined as the acquisition, transportation, and exploitation of human beings for the sole purpose of exploiting them sexually. Some examples of sex trafficking include child sex tourism, domestic minor sex trafficking, prostitution, and other sexual exploitation of children for money. Human sex trafficking infringes on the basic rights of humans and contributes to an array of public health problems. Some of the health problems experienced by victims of human sex trafficking, which are in most cases encountered by health professionals, include injuries, infections, suicidality, post-stress traumatic disorder, and other behavioral conditions. This paper is about…


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