In “Recitatif,”Toni Morrison explores the relationship between two female characters–both of different races–without specifying the race of either character. After reading “Recitatif,” explain how this text relates to our discussions of Morrison , the “white gaze,”and Sula.
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So you’re writing the paper on Recitatif but also how it relates to the sula the white gaze. I sent two reading Recitatif and the book.
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Notably, the white-black racial code that prevented people from showing their relations is an aspect evident in Sula. Morrison (113) reveals that all unions, whether lawful or unlawful, such as rape, between a white man and a black female were unthinkable. Regardless of such perceptions, Sula did not allow such social constructs to oppress her actions or worldview. According to Morrison (112), Sula was capable of anything, including sleeping with white men,