Under what elasticity conditions would the following be true

Under what elasticity conditions would the following be true

Economics/4 short essays/1400 words

Under what elasticity conditions would the following be true?

“Increasing the minimum wage will result in a decrease in employment for workers who now earn less than the new minimum wage.”

The market for gasoline has changed in a couple significant ways over the last few years: new technologies have decreased the costs associated with producing gasoline, and automobiles are becoming more fuel efficient. Describe how these changes affect the supply of and demand for gasoline. What is the overall effect on equilibrium price?

Evaluate the following statement using economic reasoning: “A monopolist can charge whatever she wants because she is the only source available.”

Identify and describe a real world example of an oligopoly. What characteristics of this market fit the definition of an oligopoly? What role does advertising play in this market? Is this consistent with what you’ve learned about advertising and oligopoly in this course?

Answer Preview

In a situation whereby increasing the minimum wage of employees would lead to decrease in employment for workers is when elasticity for labor demand is very low. Labor is a service. As it is, when the price of a service or a good goes up, the demand of the same goes down. When the minimum wage is raised it would mean that the price of labor would go up and this would lead to decrease in demand of labor. This is how unemployment would…

(1719 Words)

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