US Law Enforcement

US Law Enforcement

8-10 page research paper/US Law Enforcement

Here are the 5 choices you can choose from,

1. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that restates from a system’s perspective the political subdivisions of police governmental powers per federalism, including the specific U. S. Constitution Amendments that established their powers, as well as the significant historical events, which helped orchestrate America’s move toward law enforcement.

2. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that infers an understanding of past/current law enforcement, philosophies, psychological theories, various models of police behavior and the application of different policing styles concerning the individual officer, as well as the stress associated in the life of a police officer.

3. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that compares and contrasts the training method ideologies associated with how the Federal Bureau of Investigations trains agents versus the quasi-militarism (also called para-militarism) characteristic methodology typically used in the typical police academy;

4. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that discusses the ideologies associated with utilitarianism and deontological ethics concerning human behavior and the ethical or unethical decisions and/or actions of those working in law enforcement.

5. Use at least five articles from scholarly sources in a paper that describes police discretion, and the various control mechanisms available i.e., internal control mechanisms, external control mechanisms, control by the citizens, legislative control, and control by the courts.

Use the APUS library to find at least five, peer-reviewed articles that cover your chosen topic from the list above. Again, you are required to use scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, in-text citations, and provide a reference page for this paper.

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When something is left at the discretion of an individual, it means that such individual has the freedom to decide on their own as they deem necessary. This means that such an individual will be guided by their own mind and not by what others might think. There are different fields whereby something is left to the discretion of others to decide. In courts of law…

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