Various forms of government.

In 3-5 pages, MLA format, analyze something(s) penned by your author. Read 1 novel, 1-2 short stories, 1-2 poems, or 1 play by your author. Pay particular attention to the style, tone, theme, symbolism, or other literary element in the work(s). Give your analysis of the material read, no one else’s. DO NOT summarize the material that you read!

Paper must have introduction, thesis, body, conclusion. Also pleases keep an eye on Title/Hook, organization, support, Tone, Mechanics. Please include reference in MLA Format. This page does not count toward a 3-5 pages. Let me know if any questions.

2 days ago
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John Adams tone is also opinionated. Throughout the entire work, he gives his opinion on different elements of the government and the need for the existence of the government. The title itself is a depiction of the nature of the book as from the title; a reader can determine that the articles deal with Adams thoughts on the government. When advocating for the existence of different government organs, Adams writes a people cannot be happy when governed by only one assembly; that is, in exclusion of the executive, the judiciary and the legislature (Adams 195). According to Adams, there is a need for a check and balance system which can only be achieved through the creation of different assemblies. Based on this, it is quite clear that his tone is opinionated as he tries to inform the reader of his viewpoints on different elements of the government.

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