View the Professor Child (2014)

View the Professor Child (2014)

  • View the Professor Child (2014) video in the Learning Resources showing the experiences and feelings of children in military families.
  • Describe the skills and characteristics you possess that would help create an effective relationship with children such as those in the video. Why are these skills important?
  • Explain your comfort level talking about difficult subjects with children (i.e., grief, death, dying). If you are not very comfortable, how might you become more so?
  • Identify two open-ended questions you would ask one of the children depicted in the video to work with them effectively as an Human Service Professional

Link for Video https://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezp.waldenulibra..


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Active listening is a vital interpersonal skill that many people struggle to cultivate. It is one of my strengths, especially when it comes to communicating with the people around me. Active listening denotes giving full attention to the individual speaking (Nemec et al., 2017). When I am engaged in active listening, I often focus on the person I am communicating with. Furthermore, doing this gives me a chance to express my interest in the information my communication partner is sharing and engage in a meaningful conversation with them. Active

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