Week 5-8 822

Week 5-8 822

Week 5-8

Wk 5 DQ 1

What role does technology have in education? Should the role of technology increase or decrease? Why?

WK 5 DQ 2

What role does the educator have in keeping up with technology? How does this connect with their role in the classroom? In leadership?

WK 6 DQ 1

While the idea of leadership practices refers to the daily actions of educational leaders, the concept of leadership strategies refers to the long-term decisions and plans of the educational leader. Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to remain in the future? Why?

WK 6 DQ 2

Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to improve student performance over the long term? Why?

Answer preview

Alignment of dissertation components means that all essential concepts in each sentence focus on the same specific point. Dissertation writing begins by identifying the problem to be researched. The next step is identifying the purpose of the study. For instance, if someone is examining the evolution of technology, one should have reasons for conducting the survey (Álvarez & Difabio de Anglet, 2020). The third component considers the questions to be answered at the end of the research and their impacts on the discoveries. The fourth component is writing the hypothesis. These four components serve as the foundation and reminder of the dissertation content. Therefore, all those components should be interconnected. The backbone of research is based on the problem statement, research

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